Professional Training
We specialise in preparation and delivery of in‐house training courses specifically suited to the needs of an organisation. Core courses can be delivered either as a half day introduction or a more detailed full day course.

This course is an introduction to installation of new pipelines using horizontal directional drilling, pipe jacking/microtunneling and other similar techniques. It includes but is not limited to:
- An explanation of terms and definitions commonly used
- A detailed description of different trenchless pipe installation methods and capabilities for new pipelines
- Design issues and fundamentals
- Pipe selection
- Geotechnical investigation requirements
- Contract and Tender documentation

This course covers the design of the installation and pipe class selection in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3725 Design for installation of buried concrete pipes . It includes an explanation of all the contents of this standard but also explains the original theories behind this standard including the work of Anson Marston and Merlin Spangler. It includes but is not limited to:
- An explanation of terms and definitions commonly used
- Loads due to fill materials and other dead loads
- Loads due to superimposed live loads
- Pipe support types and their selection
- Bedding factors and their selection
- Types of concrete pipes and testing requirements
- Specification requirements
- Selection of test loads and pipe classes

This course covers the structural design of buried flexible pipelines in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 2566.1 Buried flexible pipelines Part 1: Structual Design. It includes but is not limited to:
- An explanation of terms and definitions commonly used
- Pipe material characteristics and properties
- Embedment characteristics and properties
- Design loads
- Pipe design and pipe pressure class and stiffness selection
- Specification requirements

This course provides signifcantly more detail than ICS‐001 with regards the design and installation of pipelines to be installed using pipe jacking / microtunnelling techniques. It includes but is not limited to:
- An explanation of terms, definitions and techniques commonly used
- Types of pipelines, tunnels or conduits that could be installed using pipe jacking / microtunnelling techniques
- Geotechnical investigation requirements
- Design of permanent works
- Design of temporary works
- Design and selection of jacking pipes

This course provides signifcantly more detail than ICS‐001 with regards the design and installation of HDPE pipelines to be installed using horizontal directional drilling (HDD). It includes but is not limited to:
- An explanation of terms, definitions and techniques commonly used
- Types of pipelines / conduits that could be installed using HDD
- Geotechnical investigation requirements
- Design of permanent works
- Design of temporary works
- Pipe pulling calculations
- Pipe design and pipe class selection
- Hydrofracture risks and calculations
- Settlement risks and calculations