Concrete Pipes

- Concrete pipe installation design and pipe class selection to AS/NZS 3725
- Concrete pipe structural design to AS/NZS 4058
- Concrete pipe structural design to BS EN 1916
- Concrete pipe joint design & assessment to BS EN 1916
- Concrete pipe testing & assessment to AS/NZS 4058 and BS EN 1916
Flexible Pipes

- Flexible pipe installation design to AS/NZS 2566.1
- Flexible pipe installation requirements to AS/NZS 2566.2
Pipe Jacking and Microtunnelling

- Design, selection and specification of jacking pipes (all materials)
- Design of installation of jacked pipelines
- Prediction of jacking forces
- Assessment of jacking pipe capacity
- Temporary works design
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

- Geometric design of pipelines to be installed via HDD
- Determination of Pipe Pulling Forces for installation of HDPE pipelines by HDD to ASTM F1962‐11
- Polyethylene pipe selection and design to ASTM F1962‐11 and AS/NZS 4130
- Hydrofracture and settlement calculations
- Specification for installation of PE pipelines by HDD
Pipeline Ancillary Structures

- Design and specification of access chambers (manholes)
- Design and specification of sewage pump station structures